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Past Events
Open Data Cube Conference 2021
Tuesday 22 June - Friday 26 June 2021, Virtual conference)
Join us as we come together from around the globe to push the boundaries on how we can use earth observation to solve real-world problems!
2020 American Geophysical Union (AGU)
December 1 - 17, 2020, Virtual conference presentation
#AGU20 Fall Meeting will be one of the world's largest virtual scientific conferences, with exciting programming and events. In this presentation, the ODC team demonstrates the integration ODC with Google technology. See the virtual presentation here>>
Digital Earth Americas Workshop
August 19, 2020, Virtual Workshop (Global Participants)
Building on progress made in the ODC Community, the Digital Earth Americas Workshop brings together key stakeholders and technical experts to discuss a regional solution. DE-Americas could help solve common, challenging problems in the region, building a community of users, ultimately leading to better decision making. News>>. Learn more (English)>> | (Española)>>
2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
September 26 - October 2, 2020, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
IGARSS is a premier event in remote sensing and provides an ideal forum for obtaining up-to-date information about the latest developments, exchanging ideas, identifying future trends and making networking with the international geoscience and remote sensing community. The Open Data Cube will be featured in multiple areas, including a dedicated session. Learn more>>
Living Planet Symposium
May 13-17, 2019, Milan, Italy
This session will encompass a series of presentations that, together, outline an emerging pattern for an open approach to Big EO data delivery, processing, and analysis. The goal is to develop an architecture that promotes the reuse of EO data, tools and algorithms to allow scientists, researchers, and the businesses to harness “big EO data” at a minimum cost and effort. Learn More>>
3rd Annual ODC Conference
February 11-15, 2019, Canberra, Australia
The ODC will come together for its 3nd Conference 11-15 February 2019 in Canberra, where Developer, Partners, and joint threads will be organized. Learn more>>
2018 AGU
December 10-14, 2018, Washington, D.C.
The ODC team participated in the American Geophysical Union 2018 Conference in Washington, D.C. The team participated in various sessions, including presenting the latest ODC work in Machine Learning. Learn more>>
UN World Data Forum
October 22-24, 2018, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The ODC team participated in Open Data Cube discussions at the UN World Data Forum. The Open Data Cube team also performed hands Africa Regional Data Cube training with Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. Learn more >>
2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
July 22, 2018, Valencia, Spain
The IGARSS ODC Workshop is intended to introduce the Open Data Cube (ODC) to users and provide hands-on training on the use of the data and approaches for applying application algorithms to produce relevant products for decision-making. Learn more>>
2018 Africa Regional Data Cube (ARDC) Workshop
May 9 - 11, 2018, Nairobi, Kenya
The African Regional Data Cube Workshop is intended to introduce the Open Data Cube (ODC) to local users in 5 African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Sierra Leon, Senegal. Learn more>>
Open Data Cube and CEOS at IGARSS 2023
Brian Killough of the CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) and Patrick Griffiths of the European Space Agency (ESA) co-chaired two IGARSS sessions focused on Cloud-based Platform Environments for Earth Observation (EO). These sessions were well attended (over 60 people) and reviewed a mix of EO platforms for enabling science and applications. The papers addressed several ESA-funded initiatives including the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP), the OpenEO platform, the Deep Earth System Data Lab (ESDL), and the Euro Data Cube. There were also papers addressing CEOS SEO testing of the Open Data Cube on cloud computing frameworks and the new Digital Earth Pacific initiative. The 10 papers presented in these sessions were great examples of a growing interest in cloud-based computing environments for EO data and how such systems can improve the user experience and produce more efficient and powerful application products. During this session, Joshua Baptist of Analytical Mechanics and Associates, Inc. (AMA) presented a paper titled “Integration of the Open Data Cube on Common Cloud Frameworks”, which introduced the ODC framework, and discussed the use of ODC in the cloud. With increased popularity, ODC is facing an increased demand for the computational power and storage capabilities required to analyze large spatial and temporal datasets. Cloud resource providers have bolstered their computational and satellite data offerings, simplifying access and management so that average users are able to tailor systems to their specific needs. Consequently, there exists substantial community interest in the comparative capabilities and technological performance of different cloud providers. Making informed choices in cloud providers offerings is crucial for optimizing geospatial data management and processing to meet user-specific needs. In this paper we begin to evaluate the deployment and performance of the ODC, standard notebooks, and datasets, to better determine functional differences. The paper found that datasets saved in the local environment execute operations significantly faster than from the cloud, Google Earth Engine (GEE) has longer execution times when the metadata for a given asset is indexed locally, and that more thorough benchmarking is required to better understand the end-to-end performance of EO processes on the cloud. Will link to the paper when it becomes available to the public.
ODC was also a feature at the CEOS Exhibition Booth, with a section on the main pull up banner, as well as a smaller individual pull up banner. Participants asked frequently for more details on ODC, and how it can help them in their research.
Check out the CEOS newsletter article about this event here.
Open Data Cube Community Engagement Subcommittee 2023
Last year, the Open Data Cube Steering Council identified the need for a dedicated effort on improving documentation and supporting users of the ODC. To this end, the Steering Council formally adopted new Subcommittees for Documentation and Community Engagement.
We are excited to formally announce for the Community Engagement Subcommittee co-chaired by Josh Baptist and Oguz Yetkin.
This group focuses on broad discussion and implementation of community engagement activities, including:
Maintaining the ODC website
General networking
Opportunities for growing connections within the community
Organizing conferences and other outreach activities
Provide an open forum for new ideas and suggestions to bolster the Open Data Cube and those who support it
The first meeting will be held January 24th, 2024 @ UTC -5 EST.
Follow-on meetings will be held the last wednesday of the month at the same time for the first quarter of 2024.
If you would like to participate, please see the most current contact information in the ODC Governance Page on Github here: